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My Story

When I was eight-years-old, a public library opened in my small town and I thought heaven was at hand. I loved the librarian there second only to my mother and grandmothers. I devoured Nancy Drew books, two and three a day, and went on to Grace Livingston Hill and Zane Grey with the same ferocious appetite. When I found Mary Roberts Rinehart, my mother began to fear for my eyesight.
An addiction to reading led, swiftly, to the need to write. I wrote my first novel that year, mostly penned under the covers at night with the aid of a flashlight or high in the apple tree with the wind rocking a benediction to my fantasy. But it wasn't until I discovered Bess Streeter Aldrich that I discovered what I wanted to write about. Relationships. The way all our lives rub against each other and, in the process, change us in ways both great and small. And so, I write romance.

Over the years I have published in almost every genre. My byline has appeared on everything from children's literature to newspapers, religious curriculum, inspirational material, newsletters, magazines, poetry, etc. My family coped for years with mismatched socks and thrown-together meals, and I maintain a faintly guilty memory of, "Shh, Mom and/or Grandma's writing."

At the moment, I have five books under contract with Wings ePress. You'll find them listed on "My Bookshelf"

Thankfully, I have a supportive and extremely patient husband who has had faith in my stories from the beginning. My two grown daughters have given us the blessing of eight healthy and happy grandchildren. As the wife of a Presbyterian minister, a singer with a large Chorale, and now a published author, my life is, indeed, full.

I suppose you could say that my career has become a family effort. My husband is my business manager, one daughter keeps the books and another does all the technical computer stuff - none of which (bookkeeping or graphics) I have a clue! Between us all, we are building a name for MARILYN'S FLIGHT.

Visiting hours begin now on "My Bookshelf". I hope you find something to make you laugh, make you cry, and even scare you just a tad!


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